DENTAL ANESTHESIOLOGY PO BOX 1058 DRAPER, UT 84020 (801) 571-5665 FAX (801)572-9491
Instructions For patients Prior To Anesthesia
Eating and Drinking:
Morning Appointment - NO food after midnight, clear liquids are
fine up to 2 hours before appointment time
Afternoon Appointment - A light breakfast is fine - carbohydrates only
(cereal, toast, oatmeal) - no protein (no eggs, bacon, meats), must be
finished by 6 hours before appointment time.
Clear liquids are fine up to 2 hours before appointment time.
Discuss with Dr Gutzman which of your normal medications to take
the day of the appointment.
Change of Health:
A change in health can affect the anesthesia, please call us as
soon as possible to evaluate.
Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes. Short sleeves please.
A responsible adult must drive you to the appointment.
Instructions For Patients Following Anesthesia
Returning Home:
The patient must be accompanied by a responsible adult at the
time of discharge. Postoperatively the patient cannot drive, take
a bus, or a taxi to return home. Patient cannot drive for 24 hours.
a bus, or a taxi to return home. Patient cannot drive for 24 hours.
Pain Management:
Sensitivity, tenderness, or pain in the mouth can be expected after
the treatment. Your dentist will prescribe any needed pain meds.
Tenderness or bruising at the IM/IV site is possible, and if uncom-
fortable can be treated with applying warm moist heat to the site,
and taking Ibuprofen. Take pain meds with food in the stomach.
Eating and Drinking:
Eating and drinking may be attempted whenever the patient desires
(asks for). Start out easy with small amounts of clear liquids,
and then soft foods when ready. No alcohol for 24 hours after anesthesia.
Nausea and Vomiting:
Some nausea or vomiting can occur postoperatively. The most common
cause is movement while the patient is still dizzy (like motion sickness). Try
to limit the patient’s movement until the dizziness is gone. Eating too much
food, too soon, can upset the patients stomach also. Swallowing blood
and pain pills on an empty stomach will cause nausea/vomiting.
After returning home the patient should rest for the first day and be
attended by someone responsible. Keep the patient’s head propped up
on a pillow, and remove any gauze packs upon returning home.
If you have any questions or concerns call Dr. Gutzman (801) 571-5665